Being a woman huntress may not be the way of life for some but for me I wouldn't have it any other way. I am a 38 year old wife and mother of four. Hunting is my getaway from reality. Like I said I am a mother of four, and well... now a stay-at-home mother of two, the other two have since graduated and moved on in their own lives.
When I first started hunting it was a challenge tying to be a mom and learning how to hunt at the same time. I hunt deer, turkey and squirrel as of now but would love to experience hunting other wild game one day. Hunting to me is relaxing and a great stress reliever I'm sure I'm not the only woman that feels this way. I just truly love and enjoy being outdoors it is my favorite hobby by far. All it takes is that first time experiencing the thrill of taking a deer, turkey or whatever to gets you hooked.
I got my youngest daughter into hunting at the age 7 and when I took her deer hunting for the first time she got a three point buck with a 243 youth model rifle. I don't know who was more excited, me or her... but I do know that experiencing that with a child was the one of the best moments in my life.
So to sum it all up being a woman who hunts is the best hobby I ever started.
Melody Hollon
Bucks of Kentucky, Pro Staff