Some of the basic will include calls, shooting sticks, low profile chairs, flash lights, predator lights, and guns. There are many different types of calls out there that can be used to call in coyotes, but it’s mainly broken down into two categories electronic and mouth calls. I use electronic as my primary but carry a mouth call just in case my batteries die. You can spend a pretty penny on electric calls, but the main difference between them all is the amount of sounds provided. You really only need some destress calls and some coyote vocals the rest is more or less extra, so if you’re on a budget get the basic. Mouth calls will take some practice to get the right sounds. I would not recommend getting a mouth call and then going coyote hunting, you would need to play with call beforehand, learn how to make it make a variety of sounds, and get it to sound like you want. When you set up you need to be ready at any moment once you start calling. I use a shooting stick to help hold up my rifle and keep me ready for when the coyotes arrive. It will help keep you steady and more of your preference when it comes to which one to go with whether it’s a single, bi-pod, or a tri-pod it all depend on what you feel comfortable with keep you steady and ready to shoot. If you going to be in a position longer than 15 mins I would suggest getting a camouflage chair, one that is low profile or just quiet and provides you with some adjustability when moving. It you plan on going in the afternoon, don’t forget to bring a flash light in case you have to track or find your way back to your vehicle. Here in the great state of Alabama you can obtain a night permit that allows you to hunt at night with predator lights. This is more of a budget choice, there are multiple brands with different features with different prices, and you need to choose one that has a red or a green light. The rest of the options are more user preference. Most importantly don’t forget your gun. I’m defiantly not going to tell you what gun to use or what is best the caliber its user preference. I use three different guns for three different location options. I use a 12 gauge with buck shot for thicker area, an ar15 in .556 when I’m in Simi-open areas, and a .308 when I’m in fields that have 250+ yard shots.
Choosing the right camouflage can make or break your hunt, if you do not blend into your surrounding you will stick out. Coyotes are somewhat color blind, they can only see in shades of greenish-blue and yellow. This causes them not to be able to tell the difference between red and green which can help you pick your camo. I like to use leafy suits or guile suits only if its winds so that my camo has slight movement in the wind. Other time I just chose a camo that blends into where I hunt. Any camo you have for deer hunting will pretty much work if you can find an area that matches the pattern you wear.
Choosing the right location is critical. You need to be able to scout the area a few days before you actually hunt it. Look for things such as scat, deer trails, and thick areas. Coyotes will bed down in the thick areas and follow closely to deer and other animals trail so that they can catch a meal. The biggest thing to look for is scat. If you find a lot of scat then the coyotes are using that area a lot and your chances of shooting one is high. Make sure that the locations you pick match the wind. If the wind is blowing your scent into the woods where you believe a coyote will come from you will not see a thing.
Coyotes have great smelling abilities and use this when approaching a call or decoy. They will all most always approach from downwind, but they do not only travel with the wind only when they smell or hear prey. When I first started out coyote hunting I made this mistake and didn’t realize it until my hunt was a dud. Even if it’s just a faint wind your scent will travel a good distance fairly quick for a coyote to pick it up.
I hope that the above information will help you when you decide to coyote hunt to help out your deer, turkey, and game bird populations.
Cody Winskey
Bucks of Alabama Pro-Staff
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