In the outdoor industry, especially deer hunters, there are two breeds of hunters; Warriors & Craftsman. The good thing about both of these types of hunters, EVERY ONE OF US are both, at some point in life. There is absolutely 100% NOTHING wrong with either one of these, in our opinion. Life sometimes makes us one or the other at some point… Here’s our differences, see which one you are:
1) Uses every weapon-Bow, Rifle, Shotgun, Crossbows, Muzzleloaders, even spears!(Which are legal in Nebraska)
2)Practices shooting, sighting in, honing their skills, and perfecting every angle, every opportunity, every situation that may arise in the woods-year round, 365 days a year. Which brings me to #3
3)Spends every day of the year thinking, dreaming, waiting for Fall/Winter deer season. There is only 1 season a year-deer season.
4)Spends thousands of hard-earned dollars on deer hunting. Weapons, scents, stands, blinds, trail cameras, camo clothes, calls, pick up truck, you name it-whatever it takes!
5)Spends year round scouting, feeding, providing nutrition, mowing lanes, trimming trees, setting up stands, planting food plots, patterning deer, learning their habits, creating the minute where PREPARATION meets OPPORTUNITY.
6)Passes on dozens of 110″-140″ 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 year old deer in “HOPES” to see a mature 4-1/2+ year old buck(which he’s seen before-in person, on camera, in his food plots and so on)
7)Plans the entire year’s worth of vacation days to be taken in late October-Early/Mid November.
8)Finally, the last thing. A Craftsman never has to say a word to anyone about what they do, why they do it, or how they do it because it’s just WHO THEY ARE, everyone around them already knows.
1)Spends one week a year in the woods deer hunting.
2)Only uses a rifle.
3)Spends ZERO time outside of rifle season doing anything from #5 above.
4)Know a Craftsman(Who they hunt with).
OH, we have one last type of deer hunter, which is NOT a deer hunter, at all!
1)Uses a rifle, drives his truck around country roads(most of the property they don’t own themselves), takes shots from the truck window, poach deer at night (ILLEGALLY), wear blue jeans and a orange vest over a t shirt(in freezing temps b/c they never leave their truck). Throw their guns in the passenger seat(Next to a case of beer). THINK THEY ARE A CRAFTSMAN when they pull up to their buddies with a deer shot from a truck window or at night-off someone else’s land.
** These guys deserve to be put in jail, have their hunting licenses revoked, shamed by both Warriors & Craftsman, and be held accountable by everyone! These people ruin every ounce of time spent / hard work that has been put in by both Warriors and Craftsman.
The post The difference in Deer Hunters in the state of Nebraska appeared first on Bucks of Nebraska.